The Firefighters' Pensions (England) SAB

Welcome to the website for the Firefighters' Pensions (England) Scheme Advisory Board.

The site holds information about the work of the Board and its three committees, as well as useful information and resources for Local Pension Boards.

If you have any comments about the site, please contact the Board secretariat at [email protected]

Latest news

30 September 2024

FPs Bulletin 85 - September 2024 was published on 30 September 2024.

This issue provides readers with important updated relating to Firefighters McCloud (Sargeant) Compensation arrangement claims for Q2 FY24/25, an update on Immediate Choice Remediable Service Statement (IC-RSS) rollout, a request for this quarters Matthews implementation data, as well as a write up from our Firefighters' Pensions Conference and first in person, new style, Local Pension Board training session.  

30 August 2024

FPS Bulletin 84 - August 2024 was published on 30 August 2024

This issue provides important information relating to Firefighters’ Pensions - DELTA returns collection of data, Scheme Valuation 2024.  Age Discrimination Remedy – Immediate Choice Remediable Service Statements (IC-RSS) rollout, tax relief on contributions for active members,  ABS-RSS statutory deadlines.  GAD Guidance - CETVs (FPS 2006 and FPS 1992 addendum). Matthews - Deceased firefighters death grant for extended limited period and additional death grants, GAD calculator manual cases and more.... 

31 July 2024

FPS Bulletin 83 - July 2024 was published on 31 July 2024


This issue provides important information relating to DELTA returns – Collection of firefighters’ pension forecasts.  Age Discrimination Remedy - Annual Benefit Statements (ABS), Annual Benefit Statement Remediable Service Statement (ABS-RSS) expectations, Contingent Decisions, Immediate Choice Remediable Service Statements (IC RSS) , updated member documents,  unauthorised payments and annual allowance and scheme pays.  Matthews - guide to processing cases, GAD calculator manual case update, GAD calculator, expression of interest form reminders, coding of payments for accounting/valuation purposes, processing priority order, statutory deadlines and more….

30 June 2024

FPS Bulletin 82 - June 2024 was published on 30 June 2024

This issue provides important information relating to update on Firefighters’ pensions top up grant, NS&I rates, Age Discrimination remedy - Data sharing, IC RSS rollout update, Remediable Service Statements, Divorce factsheet, compensation, Matthews – managing expectations, application of interest, project implementation data request, GAD calculator bulk upload solicitors letters and more...

31 May 2024

FPS Bulletin 81 - May 2024 was published on 31 May 2024

This issue provides important information relating to 2024 AME pensions top-up grant, Age Discrimination Remedy - Compensation guidance, Statutory deadlines, Annual Benefit Statement Remedial Service Statement (ABS-RSS), Contingent Decision guidance, Matthews - GAD calculator, update on the tax treatment, HMRC - member tax calculator, Local Pension Board (LPB) 2025 training dates and more.... 

30 April 2024

FPS Bulletin 80 - April 2024 was published on 30 April 2024

This issue provides important information relating to Immediate choice Remediable Service Statement (IC-RSS) roll out, updated Age Discrimination Remedy – Member FAQs, updated FPS 2015 added pension factsheet, HMRC newsletters and position on Tax on interest on pension arrears and lump sums and more......  

28 March 2024

FPS Bulletin 79 - March 2024 was published on 28 March 2024.

This issue provides important information relating to updated version of the GAD tax and interest calculator, published GAD standalone interest calculator, Immediate choice Remediable Service Statement (IC-RSS) roll out update to timetable and member communications, published contribution adjustment factsheet, Beneficiary Remediable Service Statement and guidance, Age Discrimination Remedy - Data sharing, Top up grant 2024 - collection of pensions accounting data heads up, updated version of GAD Matthews calculator, data request for Matthews Project implementation, FPS annual update, Pensions Dashboard connection guidance and more......  

29 February 2024

FPS Bulletin 78 - February 2024 was published on 29 February 2024.

This issue provides important information relating to the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2024, Age Discrimination Remedy - Informal funding and accounting guidance, ill health re-assessment cases factsheet, Remediable Service Statement member video, Matthews GAD calculator cost sharing, Version 2 calculator corrections, Supporting documents, Funding update and HMRC tax of interest updates.

31 January 2024

FPS Bulletin 77 - January 2024 was published on 31 January 2024.

This issue provides important information relating to the publication of the Firefighters (Remediable Service) (Amendment) Regulations 2024, two requests for data, Matthews GAD second version calculator, Added Pension Compensation guidance, update to the Contingent Decisions guidance, Remediable Service Statement factsheet, Injury pension calculation for a retained firefighter appointed after 5 April 2006, Matthews and Age Discrimination query logs, Request for purchase orders for the SAB Levy 2023/24, Public Service Pension Increase 2024, TPR's General Code, and the launch of our new style LPB training events. 

22 December 2023

FPS Bulletin 76 - December 2023 was published on 22 December 2023.

This issue provides important information relating to the 2020 Valuation results, Immediate Choice Remediable Service Statement (IC RSS) publication, Matthews deceased member letters and other Matthews supporting documents, a request to provide current contact details by 29 January 2024 and more.

30 November 2023

FPS Bulletin 75- November 2023 was published on 30 November 2023.

This issue provides important information relating to the Matthews second options exercise, including the launch of the GAD Matthews calculator, and further supporting documents. We have also updated some existing factsheets and guidance documents, and published the member Contingent Decision guidance.

31 October 2023

FPS Bulletin 74 - October 2023 was published on 31 October 2023.

This issue isn't quite as big as last month's, but is close. It contains further important information about the Matthews second options exercise, including updates to the supporting documentation, a Data Sharing Agreement template, GAD calculator: input and output specification, corrective action, pay assumptions, reference pay and more.....  we have also published guidance on Age-Discrimination remedy - Contingent Decisions for Scheme Managers and a member claim form, accounting information and an update on the FPS adjustment in respect of 2021 and 2022 revaluation.

29 September 2023

FPS Bulletin 73 - September 2023 was published on 29 September 2023.

This issue is bumper packed, and maybe our biggest yet! It contains important information about the Matthews second options exercise, including template letters, guidance documents, and data sharing agreements, Remedy member videos, funding agreement, terminology updated Fire England GAD factors, the launch of the GAD contribution calculator, concurrent - interbrigade transfers, annual allowance factsheet, annual allowance 2022/23 note, firefighters medical appeal board tender outcome and much more.......... 

8 September 2023

On 8 September 2023, Government laid Firefighters’ Pension Schemes (England) (Amendment) Order 2023, which will come into force on 1 October 2023.

31 August 2023

FPS Bulletin 72 - August 2023 was published on 31 August 2023. 

This issue contains important information about warm up communications for deferred members affected by remedy, Remediable Service Statements, the GAD contribution calculator, further information on the Secure Data Exchange Service and the Fire Pensions AGM.

17 August 2023

On 17 August 2023, Government laid The Public Service Pension Schemes (Rectification of Unlawful Discrimination) (Tax) (No.2) Regulations 2023, which will come into force on 14 September 2023

31 July 2023

FPS Bulletin 71 - July 2023 was published on 31 July 2023.

This issue contains important information about the Home Office collection of FPS forecasts for 2023-24 and 2028-29, Age Discrimination remedy consultation response and publication of the Firefighters (Remediable Service) Regulations 2023, Age Discrimination contributions calculator inputs, interest and tax, pension scams, warm up letters, ill health reassessment member outcome letters, Firefighters' Pension Scheme adjustment in Respect of 2021 and 2022 revaluation, GAD updated factors, Member benefit illustrations created by Barnett Waddingham for FPS Northern Ireland and the Welsh Government consultation on Pension entitlements for retained Firefighters' 2023.

19 July 2023

On 19 July 2023, Home Office published the government's formal response to the consultation on the draft Firefighters Pensions (Remediable Service) Regulations 2023 and policy intent to implement the retrospective phase of the McCloud/Sargeant remedy.

The Firefighters’ Pensions (Remediable Service) Regulations 2023 were published.

18 July 2023

On 18 July 2023, HMRC published their consultation on abolishing the pensions Lifetime Allowance.

This is designed to deliver the changes necessary to abolish the pensions lifetime allowance from the tax year 2024 to 2025 onwards, as announced at Spring Budget 2023.

The closing date is 12 September 2023.

30 June 2023

FPS Bulletin 70 - June 2023 was published on 30 June 2023. 

This issue contains important information about the Home Office collection of FPS forecasts for 2023-24 to 2028-29, historic firefighter pay scales, a remedy readiness self-assessment tool, remedy member examples created by GAD and data conference Q and As.

31 May 2023

FPS Bulletin 69 - May 2023 was published on 31 May 2023. 

This issue contains important information about the consultation on The Public Service Pension Schemes (Rectification of Unlawful Discrimination) (Tax) (No.2) Regulations 2023, updated data scoring guidance, IQMP template referral letters, updated GAD factors and a Scheme Advisory Board note on pensionable pay remedies.

28 April 2023

FPS Bulletin 68 - April 2023 was published on 28 April 2023. 

This issue contains important information about the Revised commutation on retirement factors, proposed changes to the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) 2006 , Revised commutation factors, Annual Benefit Statement templates and a number of other communication items.

3 April 2023

On 3 April 2023, the Government Actuaries Department published revised Commutation on retirement factors following the announcement of the revised SCAPE discount rate on 30 March 2023. The revised factors only apply to the 1992 Firefighters Pension Scheme and are to be applied with immediate effect.

31 March 2023

On 31 March 2023, the Home Office launched their formal consultation on Retained Firefighters' Pensions: Proposed Changes to the Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) 2006

This consultation focuses on the government’s commitment to provide further remedy to those individuals who were employed as retained firefighters between 7 April 2000 and 5 April 2006 inclusive by providing access to the modified section of Firefighters’ Pension Scheme 2006 (referred to as ‘the modified scheme’). It contains the proposed amendments to the Firefighters’ Pension Scheme (England) Order 2006 and the Firemen’s Pension Scheme Order 1992 to achieve this outcome. This consultation document seeks views on proposals for achieving this outcome, and whether the proposed amendments achieve this policy intention for all eligible individuals.

The consultation will close on 9 June 2023.

31 March 2023

FPS Bulletin 67 - March 2023 was published on 31 March. 

This issue contains important information about the Firefighters' Pension Schemes (Remediable Service) Regulations 2023, the SCAPE Discount Rate methodology consultation response and the FPS annual update 2023. Additionally it contains a farewell message from Claire Hey.

10 March 2023

On 10 March 2023, the High Court ruled that HM Treasury's decision to include the McCloud/ Sargeant remedy in the cost cap mechanism was not unlawful. The judge ruled in favour of HM Treasury on all grounds. The judge also refused permission to appeal, but the FBU and other parties are able to apply for permission to appeal directly to the Court of Appeal.

2 March 2023

On 2 March 2023 the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) issued a written ministerial statement announcing a reset of the Pensions Dashboard Programme (PDP) which will extend the delivery of pensions dashboards. 

In the statement, the UK Government announced its intention to legislate to amend schemes’ connection deadlines, to provide PDP the time required to develop the necessary digital architecture. Guidance will be updated shortly to reflect the announcement and provide further clarity on the steps schemes should be taking to continue to prepare for the dashboard.

28 February 2023

On 28 February 2023 the Home Office launched a consultation on the Firefighters' Pension Scheme retrospective remedy on the amendments to the pension scheme regulations to enact the second phase of remedy in the McCloud/ Sargeant cases.

The consultation documents set out the background to the second, retrospective, part of the remedy and an explanation of legislative and policy changes required to implement it. The consultation seeks responses from interested parties on the amendments to the regulations needed to enact the second phase of the remedy, as set out in the PSPJOA 2022. The deadline for responses to the consultation is 23 May 2023

28 February 2023

FPS Bulletin 66 - February 2023 was published on 28 February. 

This issue contains information about a new webpage on the FPS Member website, data collection for the 2015 remedy, confirmation of contribution bandings for 2023-24 and a Matthews pre-work factsheet for FRAs.

31 January 2023

FPS Bulletin 65 - January 2023 was published on 31 January. 

The first issue of the new year contains information on a variety of topics including confirmation that the ill-health reassessment factsheet has been updated, details of template member consent letters for ill-health reassessment and information to help resolve queries regarding potential industrial action.